
Our giving is an act of worship - acknowleging that God has provided for us, even our very lives, and in turn we honour Him with our finances - where our treasure is, there our hearts will be also. (Matthew 6:21). People who regularly attend KBC contribute to the work of the church by giving on a regular basis through their tithes (a Biblical measure of 10% required by God of His people in the Old Testament). The Bible says everything we have belongs to God and the tithe is simply giving back some of that to Him.

Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
2 Corinthians 9:7. KBC is blessed to have many cheerful givers, giving of their money, time, gifts and other resources as they see the need. 

Some church members choose to tithe by direct deposit into the church bank account.
The church bank details are:
Kalgoorlie Baptist Church
BSB 704 922
Acct 100013497


Offering is when we give to a particular need or project that we feel God is prompting us to give towards. This may include supporting missionaries in other countries, or local people or organisations who need financial assistance, or for a specific church project or event. You can allocate offerings through the bank account by noting where you would like your donation to go Eg. mission, youth, camp etc.


If you are visiting Kalgoorlie Baptist Church you are not expected to give, but you’re also not excluded from giving to our weekly offering. During the service we have a time of focus on offering - thanking God for what He's given us, and praying that He will help us use the money wisely to grow His kingdom. Since COVID, we don't pass a bag around to collect money, but we have the church bank details available so people can give online. Keith Cowan will also be at the back of the church at the end of the service with a bag if you would like to contribute your offering in cash in person.

At Kalgoorlie Baptist Church, giving is more than just about money; regular attenders are encouraged to also give of their time and talents so the Kingdom of God can be extended, within the church, the local community and across the world. Our church family is full of volunteers who contribute to the life and service that God calls us to. Each person, young or old, is welcome to use the gifts God has given, for His glory. Please talk to our Pastor, Diaconate members or one of the greeting team if you would like to know more.