At KBC, Life Groups are the hub of community, fellowship, discipleship and growth. It is when small groups gather, often in the welcoming atmosphere of people’s homes, that people feel comfortable to engage with others, study God’s word and share one another’s burdens.
These are places that new people can really connect with our church family on a deeper level.
We invite you to give life groups a go and see how God will grow you!
6:30pm - Hope Cafe
Peter and Helen are salt of the earth people who are like the ‘Mum and Dad’ of KBC. Friendly, welcoming and encouraging, the O's are beside the people in their group as they do life together, through the joys and challenges. Their foundation is on the word of God and model what having a relationship with Jesus looks like. They are faithful KBC servants - Peter serving as a Deacon and Helen volunteering much of her time to serve in the worship team, cleaning crew, and in much more behind-the-scenes. Such a valued pair! You will get some great insights by being part of this group.
9:30am - Victory Heights
Chrissy has been a stalwart of the church for so many years we have lost count. Chrissy is involved with Pregnancy Problem House here in Kalgoorlie, a vital ministry to women and families under stress, and a ministry that KBC is very honoured to support.
Chrissy is passionate about helping women to connect with the Word of God, and she encourages other women to seek out fellowship and establish life relationships and friendships that are enriching. Her women’s Life Group is suitably called “Nourish”. Ladies of all ages are welcome to attend.
7pm - Online
Justin & Kelly epitomise hospitality! Even their children are great bakers, and the church has sampled many of their "Fare Wares" over the years. The Fares are delightful, witty and really love the word of God. We encourage the 30 to 40 year olds to connect with the Fares and be drawn into their fellowship. You will be well fed in more ways than one!
7pm - Fairways
Gary and Marie have been here in the Goldfields for a loooooooong time and have seen many changes over the years. They are pillars in the KBC fellowship and been involved in Boys and Girls Brigades and they have served in many aspects of Church Life. If you are looking for the “Pure Gold” of the Goldfields, well, here it is, in the hearts of this warm and wonderful couple.
7pm - Hope Cafe
William and Eileen host this warm and welcoming group with the help of Dawn and Brian Hadfield. William is one of KBC's Deacons, he and Eileen were born and raised in PNG and the group has a family feel because of their quiet and loving ways.
Dawn & Brian served as missionaries to the Aboriginal people and recently finished a language dictionary for local Aboriginal people. Dawn has served as a Christian Education teacher in local primary schools for many years and with children’s ministry, Brian in prison ministry, and so much more – they have a heart for discipling people in their faith in God and sharing life and their resources in ways that impact the lives of others.
This group is filled with people from all walks of life and cultures – such a beautiful example of kingdom community. You will be welcomed here!
7pm - Hannans
Matt and Hannah are one of those 'boomerang' couples who have spent time at KBC previously (Hannah from childhood, and Matt as a young geo... this is where it all began for them!) and are now back with their gorgeous kids to enjoy another season in the Goldfields. They are great at connecting with people and welcoming people of all ages into their home and family. Matt and Hannah are passionate about the study of God's word and would love to have you come along and see if this group is for you! This Life Group is mostly targeted towards young adults, but the young-at-heart who would like to attend are always welcome!
7pm - Boulder
The long running Kenny's Life Group has had a change of face and Stuart has stepped up to lead and host. Stuart is a friendly and honourable, God-fearing man who has been a familiar smiling face at KBC for many years! He volunteers his time doing behind-the-scenes work at KBC.
This adults Life Group is welcoming to people of all walks of life, and is not scared to chew on some deeper topics and are gifted in drawing people into fellowship.
7pm - KBC
Clyde has been the friendly face leading our enigmatic team of Ignition Youth leaders for the last couple of years. His love and enthusiasm for the youth is contagious, and he delights in helping teach and guide this generation of youth to walk with our Lord Jesus!
After a while without a Life Group for the youth to call their own, the Ignition Bible Study is now back! Highschool aged teens are encouraged to come along and take a deeper dive into the Word of the Lord.